Will the Transparency Rulebook thwart free-riders in the Paris Agreement?

December 7, 2017, by Patrick Cage

The 23rd UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP23) hosted by Fiji in Bonn, Germany has just concluded. COP23 was the second year of the three-year marathon to build a consensus …

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Elaborating the Paris Agreement Rulebook

November 8, 2017, by Lisa Hanle

Countries are now meeting in Bonn to elaborate the Paris Agreement’s rulebook for the accounting, reporting and review of national climate pledges. There is much ambiguity on how the international …

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10 Years

October 12, 2017, by Michael Gillenwater

Please celebrate with me for a moment. It is the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute’s ten year anniversary! I am proud and amazed that our visionary voyage reached this milestone through …

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What is Blockchain GHG Management?

October 18, 2017, by Tom Baumann

As we celebrate GHGMI’s 10th year, I’m even more optimistic about the next decade than I was back when we launched the organization. Of course, much more work remains to …

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The Next Carbon Accounting Frontier

August 24, 2017, by Katie Goldman

We are on the next carbon accounting frontier: policy-level GHG accounting for the Paris Agreement. The GHG Management Institute (GHGMI) is building global capacity to implement the Paris Agreement, and …

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How do we “Track Progress” and “Enhance Ambition”?

July 14, 2017, by Lisa Hanle

The simple answer to this question is, indicators. From the moment you were born—when doctors took your temperature, assessed your blood pressure and monitored your oxygen levels, to your school …

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GHGMI’s decade of experimentation – what have we learned?

June 1, 2017, by Michael Gillenwater

This year we are celebrating GHG Management Institute’s 10th anniversary. It is hard to believe. (Especially because it means I’m getting old!) In the last decade we have expended much …

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Are our politics, along with the climate, being driven off a cliff?

February 22, 2017, by Michael Gillenwater

Short answers are possibly (politics) and yes (climate). I am, probably along with you, still conducting my own autopsy of 2016 and the chaos rattling across the United States and …

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How Many Steps Forward and How Many Back?

December 19, 2016, by Patrick Cage

COP22 Outcomes by the Numbers The UNFCCC COP21 in Paris last December was fast-paced and over-the-top, like a holiday blockbuster. The negotiations wrapped up nicely with a holiday happy ending …

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International air travel and climate change: Is aviation finally in- route to sustainability?

October 25, 2016, by Stelios Pesmajoglou

Our timeline on the “History of Climate Change” is going to be crowded for 2016 because three significant events occurred in the last 10 days! On 5 October 2016, the …

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