Initiative for Climate Action Transparency Spotlight

January 30, 2017, by Molly White

The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) is building a methodological framework for countries to use to transparently measure and assess the impacts of climate policies and actions. This includes …

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We Hope

December 19, 2016, by Lisa Hanle

Unexpected transitions bring on strong emotions, and emotions are running high right now. Domestically and internationally, daily news stories raise questions as to whether the new U.S. President will wipe …

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We Mourn

November 29, 2016, by Michael Gillenwater

It was November of 2000 in Washington DC. I was on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, as a 30 year-old staff member at the US EPA working in …

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We Lose

November 9, 2016, by Molly White

I am at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP22). The meeting is 3,600 miles from the United States. I awoke this …

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We Celebrate

October 28, 2016, by Michael Gillenwater

With broad smiles, yet some anxiousness, I hope you will join all of us at the GHG Management Institute in celebrating the early entry into force of the Paris Agreement. …

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Nature Climate Change Launches Carbon Accounting Collection

October 27, 2016, by Michael Gillenwater

We are pleased to inform you that Nature Climate Change has just launched a new online collection dedicated to carbon accounting.  To quote the editorial, published in the November 2016 …

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Paris Agreement Ratification Update: Achieved

September 19, 2016, by Patrick Cage

WEDNESDAY, October 5th: The threshold for entry into force of the Paris Agreement has been achieved. WEDNESDAY, September 21st: This morning Ban Ki-Moon hosted an event to accelerate the Paris …

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Accredited Graduate Certificate at The George Washington University

September 12, 2016, by Molly White

The George Washington University has partnered with the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute to create this customized graduate program.  The Graduate Certificate in Greenhouse Gas Management is designed to prepare students …

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5th Durban Forum on Capacity-Building

August 23, 2016, by Michael Gillenwater

The 5th meeting of the Durban Forum on capacity-building was held on 20 May 2016, during the forty-fourth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation. The discussions focused on: 1) …

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Experts Forum on NDC, 28-29 June 2016, Rabat | UNFCCC COP22

June 30, 2016, by Molly White

Executive Director and Dean, Michael Gillenwater, spoke during a panel discussion on capacity building and transparency mechanisms for mitigation in NDCs, at the Experts Forum on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), …

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