A journey in online course development

June 22, 2021, by Molly White

Tracking emissions is a key foundation to implementing effective climate action. Governments must be equipped to understand the process of emissions tracking in order to prioritise their climate actions and …

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Did the eGRID tool for electric power emissions endure a climate-denying President?

June 8, 2021, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

The most common type of greenhouse gas (GHG) inventorying, or carbon footprinting involves quantifying the GHG emissions attributable to an entity, such as a company, product, or jurisdiction. One element …

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The most important GHG accounting concept you may not have heard of: the attributional-consequential distinction

April 21, 2021, by Matthew Brander

Since publishing this article, GHGMI now recommends the use of the term allocational instead of attributional. The justification for this change is explained in our “What is GHG Accounting?” series, …

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What does it really take for you to be a GHG professional?

April 8, 2021, by Alissa Benchimol

At the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI), professional ethics—not just technical competencies—are foundational to our definition of what it means to be a GHG expert. We, therefore, expect ethics to …

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What has this pandemic done to your organization?

January 27, 2021, by Michael Gillenwater

The last year has imposed on communities everywhere a forced and rushed experiment in working under quarantine conditions and conducting online learning at scale. Like you, those of us at …

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Expanding Offset Markets? Great Idea or Willful Blindness?

December 10, 2020, by Mark Trexler

There is a lot of discussion of the psychological and cognitive challenges we face in tackling climate change. These challenges are the focus of quite a few books, including George …

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Should I use the new IPCC GHG Inventory Guidelines?

September 18, 2020, by Michael Gillenwater

Yes, you should use the new IPCC guidelines, with an awkward caveat. Technically speaking, there is every reason anyone engaged in estimating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or removals—from corporate, to …

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Black lives matter

June 15, 2020, by Michael Gillenwater

These facts, we at the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI), affirm: Black lives matter. Climate change is a problem that demands global collective action; systemic racism and racial bias are …

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Should carbon offsets only include removing CO2 from the atmosphere?

April 17, 2020, by Derik Broekhoff

One idea gaining currency lately is that, if organizations offset their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at all, they should do so only with activities that remove CO2 from the atmosphere …

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What is the role of adaptation in advancing emission reductions?

March 25, 2020, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

As you are well-aware, reducing emissions to achieve the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 Celsius (1.5C) warming climate goal will require a deepening of public support. Currently, mainstream narratives around climate action …

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