Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub (CCMRVH)

August 27, 2018, by Patrick Cage

The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute is pleased to announce that the Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub (CCMRVH) has been funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry for …

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Companies Taking Action to Build MRV Know-How

August 20, 2018, by Molly White

GHGMI’s Lisa Hanle, in cooperation with M.I.C.E. Global, lead an intensive, five-day, workshop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the fundamentals of measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of GHG emissions and …

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Better Measurement of Greenhouse Gases in Belize

July 20, 2018, by Lisa Hanle, Sevdalina Todorova, Molly White

The National Climate Change Office (NCCO) of Belize has embarked on a capacity-building program to enhance Belize’s measurement and management of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with diverse sectors. The Greenhouse …

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“All-Country” Capacity Building | A Director Interview

June 26, 2018, by Molly White

Michael Gillenwater, the Executive Director of the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute, was recently interviewed by Natural Capital Partners as part of their climate leadership blog-series. The series asks experts and …

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Ten-Year Anniversary Distinguished Alumni Awards

May 14, 2018, by Michael Gillenwater

In celebration of the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute’s 10-year anniversary, GHGMI presents its new Distinguished Alumni Award. This award honors alumnus and alumna from 2007 to 2017 who have received …

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Restoring Ecosystems | A Director Interview

May 1, 2018, by Patrick Cage

John-O Niles, the Director of The Carbon Institute, was recently interviewed by Natural Capital Partners as part of their climate leadership blog-series.  The series asks experts and influencers in business …

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The Climate Chain Coalition

January 24, 2018, by Tom Baumann

To encourage exploration and eventual use of this technology in support of climate action, the UN Climate Change secretariat initiated and facilitated the creation of the Climate Chain Coalition (CCC) …

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The Decade That Defined GHG Accounting| A Board Member Testimonial

January 3, 2018, by Wiley Barbour

Can you remember what you were doing 10 years ago? You might remember 2007 as the year you bought the first iPhone to be released, or perhaps you recall mourning …

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Forest Carbon Accounting Certificates

October 27, 2017, by Patrick Cage

The Carbon Institute has published scoping studies and executive summaries for building academic programs in Terrestrial Carbon Accounting (TCA) in both China and Indonesia. These scoping studies include gaps assessments, …

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Le cours sur le GIEC en français

October 16, 2017, by Molly White

L’Institut de la Gestion des GES (GHG Management Institute) est fier d’annoncer la traduction française de tous les six cours sur les lignes directrices 2006 du GIEC. Ensemble, ces cours …

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