This training is required for those seeking to become CARB-Accredited Verifiers for the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS).
Under California Air Resources Board (CARB) oversight, third-party verification provides a systematic and documented process for evaluation of reported data against the regulatory requirements and methods for calculation.
The training includes six courses. Course 1 is optional for trainees who have been approved for the “fast-track” via their application prescreening by CARB. If your application was fast-tracked but you would like to attend Course 1, please register via the non-fast-track registration link.
All trainees must first submit an accreditation application to CARB to participate in the LCFS Verifier Accreditation Training. Approved applicants may process their training registration payment below.
If you have not applied to the program, you may do so by following this link and the instructions for “LCFS Verifier Accreditation Training for New Verifiers”.
Applicants that have been approved by CARB as “fast-tracked” participants may register for one of the options below:
Los Angeles area
To register, select a single option from the dropdown menu at bottom of the page and click “add to cart”.
These training events include in-person lectures, quizzes, and tests, as well as Q&A sessions with CARB subject matter experts. No virtual attendance is available. Course instruction will begin promptly at 9AM and conclude at 5PM on each training day. Morning coffee and refreshment breaks will be provided, and trainees are asked to please report by 8:30AM for check-in on their first day of training (Tuesday). There will be breaks for lunch in the schedule, but lunch is not provided. More information, including the previous training schedule can be found on the LCFS verification website (this year’s schedule will be revised slightly and will be made available upon enrollment).
All trainees will be given access to electronic course materials (logistics handouts, course lecture slides, technical handouts) by April 11th, 2025 – the weekend prior to the in-person training. Trainees are highly encouraged to engage in self-study activities with the LCFS regulation, the 2024 amendments, and CARB guidance materials to prepare for the training.
The specific locations of the trainings in Sacramento and the Los Angeles area will be communicated to registered trainees once logistics have been finalized.
Registration fees are $1,400 for Courses 2 through 6. Scholarships, partial payments, or payment plans are not currently available.
All approved candidates are encouraged to register by February 28th, the registration period will remain open until April 7th, but training seats are limited and will be available on a rolling basis. Applicants are encouraged to register as soon as possible.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email within 2-3 business days that includes more information about the training logistics and online learning platform that will support the in-person training.
For questions related to processing your registration you may contact: registrar@ghginstitute.org
For all other logistical or training event questions, please contact: tani.colbertsangree@ghginstitute.org
The CARB LCFS regulation, which appears at sections 95480 to 95503 of title 17, California Code of Regulations, requires independent verification of data reports specified in section 95500. Verification questions may be sent to lcfsverify@arb.ca.gov.